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Contact Us
Rinyo Programs and Events
Rinyo offers language learning classes for all ages with beginners, intermediate, and advanced programming. We also host art events and workshops for painters, writers, and artists. Our operations team also coordinates and houses the supplies for youth programming targeting 100+ Assyrian children for Easter, Summer, and Christmas, which are hosted at the Assyrian Church of the East.
Get to know us
“Rinyo” means “idea” or “concept”.
Rinyo Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, established in Chicago in 2012, to make the Syriac (also known as Assyrian/Aramaic) language and Mesopotamian culture survive and thrive in the 21st century. Rinyo creates modern resources for the Syriac language in its various dialects. Rinyo excels in offering exciting learning tools for all ages globally.
We offer summer camps, host live events, and support our other nonprofit sisters.
In addition, we have mobile games and applications, songs, videos, and interactive books.
We thrive and exist because of the continuous help from our loyal members, sponsors, volunteers, and customers.
We consist of a board of directors; however, outside of that, Rinyo has no members.
We want to make an impactful, positive change in the lives of our community. We came about because we have a purpose, which is to help thrive our language, traditions, and diverse culture.
Some of us are not able to go back to our countries of origin; thus, we want to bring them to you here, in our foreign countries.
Our goal is to keep our ancestry alive wherever in the world we may live. We cannot forget who we are, we live proudly by and through that!
How can I make a difference?
We are always in need of volunteers who share the same vision as we do. Aside from that, if you are interested in a permanent position to make a difference in our community, we do offer paid positions. For further details, please contact us at
Rinyo is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization. We thrive on your donations and continued support. All donations will be recognized. If you would like to donate to our organization, click the link below which will direct you to RinyoFriends.
Rinyo Friends
Thank you for clicking on this section! Yes, we need YOUR help, always. The easiest way would be to spread the word about Rinyo, its accomplishments, and its purpose; also, by subscribing to our channels and social media sites.
Aside from that, you can also help by becoming a sponsor and/or a volunteer for the events and activities we host. Make an impact in our community by lending a helping hand. What are you waiting for?
Contact us at for more details.
Rinyo Cares
We host two annual fundraisers to aid in book printouts. Plus, we give 1000 books and 5000 will help support schools and provide daily necessities such as clothing to the needy. We raise money for Christmas giveaways!
RMC Rinyo Moms Club
Get connected with moms and child-friendly events. Get creative and help organize ALL the events we host!
Join our Rinyo Moms Club via Facebook!
Rinyo Moms
A free YouTube cartoon channel that features local and international folk children's songs converted to the colloquial language *Surit/Surayt* making it easier than ever for children to learn their mother tongue in a fun, interactive, and addictive way! We do lullabies, sing-alongs, prayers, and entertainment as well.
Subscribe and like our page by pressing on the link RinyoToons
Rinyo Communities
Our partners are made up of sponsors, vendors, and other nonprofit organizations.
Interested in partnering with us?
Contact us at to learn about partnership benefits!
Books and Education Material

Skill 1 & 2

ABC Book West
In this fun ABC workbook, children get to experience the Syriac alphabet. The workbook teaches children Syriac letters, and provides them space to practice.
Alap Bet, Assyrian Alphabet
Five little monkeys
Itsy Bitsy Spider, coming soon
Uncle Matti's Farm
ABCs Flash Cards
Learn how to cook our food and satisfy your cravings with delicious recipes that will remind you of home!
contact us to learn more at
We are a worldwide organization. However, our corporate headquarters is in the United States in Chicago, IL. We have partners, volunteers, and staff members in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia.